In the community of Monterrico, in Peru, Fr Peter—the name of our protagonist—is well known for his fine hearing and light sleep. Both qualities are most useful in this seismic zone of the Pacific.

Fr Peter, as a good Comboni missionary, takes the anti-seismic recommendations of the Civil Defence very seriously, and has long since identified four areas of refuge: under the desk, under the doorframe, outside, on the terrace. However, he invented refuge under the bed.

During the last earthquake, Fr Peter chose this as his shelter, believing it to be the safest. He jumped out of bed but, unfortunately, as it was night and the bed was very low, he bumped his nose, and he soiled the floor with blood. The next morning, he appeared with the obvious signs of his tragic night. The newspapers spoke of an earthquake of normal intensity and no victims. False. To be fair, we must rectify this misinformation, if not in Peru’s national press, at least in the international Comboni Press!